Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Pork Chop and Yam Chips

Pork Chop
We had pork chop for dinner last night. The wife went to Walmart for some shopping and while she was there, she saw the pork lion on offer. So, she bought a whole kilogram of it. That was where she had the idea of cooking pork chop for dinner. Anyway, it was a pretty good discount, cheaper than chicken in comparison. Because she wanted to cook pork chop, she also bought a pack of fresh vegetable mix to make salad.

Pork Chop and Yam Chips
And instead of frying potato chips, she oven baked some yam chips. The yam chips were a product that we had earlier bought from Costco Wholesale. For the gravy for the pork chop, she mixed bulgogi sauce with barbecue sauce which turned out to be perfect. The cooking took less than an hour from preparation to serving. With the rest of the pork, I might want to cook curry with it or even make char siew.

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