Sunday, March 26, 2017

Malaysian Friends Gathering and Potluck

Honey Garlic Chicken Wings
We join several other Malaysian friends for a gathering and potluck in Coquitlum. This was a smaller group than our typical Malaysian friends' gathering. Although, small in group, we had some really flavourful Malaysian cuisines during the potluck. Like usual, each of us brought a dish or two to the potluck and every dish had a Malaysian theme to it, making the gathering a truly Malaysian cuisine potluck. Our contribution was a pot of pork curry.

Yong Tau Foo
The other cuisine contributions that were brought to the potluck were Sweet and Sour Prawns, Honey Garlic Chicken Wings, Yong Tau Foo, Roasted Pork Ribs, and desserts. Notably among the desserts were the barley soy drink and the fish shaped red bean stuffed waffles. Besides enjoying the dinner together, we also shared some of the best Malaysian cuisines together. These were the cuisines that we don't find in Malaysian restaurants in Vancouver.

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