Saturday, March 4, 2017

Earls Kitchen Between Style and Authenticity

Fried Squid
The wives of our small group of Malaysian friends met in the family owned restaurant of Earls Kitchen a couple of days ago. The gathering was partly to celebrate the birthdays of three of our friends. Earls Kitchen is a stylist mid class casual diner serving a wide range of fusion and western style cuisines in Vancouver. Personally, I have never dined there before and don't fancy these type of diners anyway. I like restaurants that serves traditional and authentic cuisines.

Fried Chicken with Black Pepper
On my own, I will not choose to dine in Earls Kitchen or any diner of this category for my own reasons. But will only dine in these kind of restaurant if invited to join friends for a casual meal. If I have to organized a place to dine, I rather pay for real flavourful, tasty, and traditional cuisines than for the stylist presentations and for the skills to do that. I am a simple, easy to satisfy diner. So, long as the cuisine is authentic, traditional, cultured and fairly priced, I am okay with it.

Shrimp Cheese Pasta
In fact, other than the nicely presented cuisines, there is nothing really special about the cuisines served in Earls Kitchen. For example, the fried squid and fried chicken wings were very ordinary cuisines that can be found in many Chinese restaurants' menu. I think the wives that dined there can even cook these cuisines themselves. Even the western cuisine that the was served there can be easily be prepared at home. I guess the stylist ambiance and classy diner was the main attraction.

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